Pressure screens / sorters

The pressure screens / sorters are in the stock preparation and in the approach flow system in front of the paper and board machine. Contaminants larger than the fibers are eliminated by pressure screens / sorters.

Main image Name Producer Type Size Capacity

Gyroclean Kadant Lamort CTP

Used Gyroclean Lamort CTP

Cylinder diam.: 750mm

Cylinder length: about 3.000mm

Total Length: about 4.000mm

Kadant Lamort Gyroclean CTP

High cons. Pressure screen Voith - Finckh Hico 1

Voith - Finckh Hico 1 1

Horizontal screen Finckh Hico 1

Finkh Hico 1 high consistency screen 1

horizontal screen Finckh Hico 2

Slot pressure screen:

manufacturer: Fickh

type: Hico

size: 2

Finckh Hico 2 2

High cons. pressure screen Finckh Hico 2

For sale high consistency pressure screen Finckh Hico 2

Finckh Hico 2 High consistency screen 2

High consistency horizontal screen Finckh Hico 3

Finckh Hico 3 3 Motor power: 55 - 150 KW

Horizontal pressure screen Voith-Finckh Hori 0

Voith - Finckh Hori 0 0

Finckh horizontal screen size 1

Finckh Horizontal screen 1

Headbox pressure screen made by Escher Wyss Type LPS 41

Low pulse paper machine pressure screen made by Escher Wyss Type LPS 41

Escher Wyss Low pulse headbox pressure screen

Pressure screen Voith Minisorter GR 11

Voith Minisorter 11 2700 l/min