Press section / drying section

Main image Name Producer Type Size Capacity

Drying Section with 47 Cylinder 3400 mm 10 bar

Pression max.: 10 bar

Temperature max.: 185 Grad Celsius

Capayity: 7700 Liter

Year: 2000er

Includes: rolls of silent drice, hood, coverage etc.

European 3400 mm

Unused Tail cutter made by Valmet 2850 mm bale width

Valmet Tail cutter 2850 mm bale width

Used Yankee cylinder

Used Yankee cylinder

Diameter: approx. 4,5m

Width above 3m.

Design speed: 2000m/min(6562 ft/min)

Weight: approx. 72 To

Documentation available

Drying cylinders 2750 mm bale length, 3 bar

2750 mm bale length, 3300 mm bearing distance 3 bar

Press roll Voith 5900 mm

Second hand press rolls

Nominal diameter: 1230mm

Cover length: 5900mm

Bearing center distance: 6850mm

Weight: about 16.000kg

Voith 5900 mm

Rope tensioner

Unised rope tensioner in paper machine made by Allimand


Paper machine press rolls 2550 mm net width

4 units press rolls, rubber lined, made by Bellmer

2550 mm net width at pope reeler

weight per unit ca 15 tons


Bellmer 2550 x 1250 mm 2550 x 1250 mm net sizes 600 m/min

Yankee Cylinder Voith

Second hand / used yankee cylinder

Diameter: 5000mm

Lengh: 5780mm

Pressure: up to 4,6 bar

Remaining wall thickness: 25 - 26mm

Free of cracks

Documentation available

Voith 5000 x 5780 mm