Refiner / Double disc refiner / conical refiner

Second hand double disc refiner, conical refiner, drum refiner from different manufacturers like Voith, Andritz, Escher Wyss, Metso, Black Clawson, Beloit, Sprout Waldron,

Main image Name Producer Type Size Capacity

Refiner DD 26 made by AGA machine

Refiner DD 26 made by AGA machine


Unused Refiner Fillings for Andritz TF1 E Refiners

Angle: 30

Width: 4,6

Nut: 3,4

Height: 4,0

Length: 6,3

Andritz Refiner fillings for Refiner TF1 E

Unused Refiner Fillings for Andritz TF1 E Refiners

Angle: 25

Width: 4,0

Nut: 3,0

Height: 6,0

Length: 5,9

Andritz Refiner fillings for Refiner TF1E

Drum Refiner Andritz Papillon CS 380


type: Papillon CS 380

manufacturer: Andritz

RPM: 700- 1400 U/min
Flow: 400- 1200 l/min
Capacity max. 2500 kg/h
Outlet pressure max. : 5,5 bar pine
Stock consistency: 3,8%
Power max. : 300 kW

Gentle fiber treatment with low energy consumption

Features and benefits:

Reduced energy consumption due to low no-load power
- Constant fiber properties
- Even gap inside the whole refining area
- Wide range of refiner fillings tailored to the repsective type of fiber
- Shortest possible down-time due to excellent and comfortable access to all stator plates and the cylinder

Andritz Papillon CS 380 2500 kg/h

Unused Refiner Fillings for Andritz TF1 E Refiners

Angle: 25

Width: 2,0

Nut: 5,0

Height: 6,2

Length: 3,8

Andritz Refiner fillings for Refiner TF1 E

Andritz Refiner plates fillings for Voith 0 SDM Refiner 24''

Unused Refiner plates for Voith 0 SDM Double disc refiner

Type: 24VA0005

Refinrr plate 24VA005 DC 17

Andritz Voith 0 SDM 24''

Disc refiner made by Bauer

For sale second-hand single disc refiner made Bauer / Enso Gutzeit

Bauer Disc refiner

Jones DD 3000' 26 Refiner made by Beloit

Jones DD 3000' 26 Refiner made by Beloit

Beloit Beloit Jones DD 3000

Refiner Beloit Fibermaster 2 SA 250

2 scond hand Fibermaster:

- First fibermaster:

Fillings: worked about 1 year


- Second fibermaster:

Without fillings

Beloit Fibermaster 2 SA 250

Refiner DD3000 Beloit Jones

Refiners 42″ Beloit DD3000 Duo-Flo  DF01 ; DF02 ; DF03 ; DF04

Min Refiner Flow =  3448 l/min

Max Refiner Flow = 10766 l/min


Manufacturer : SIEMENS

Tension = 5500 Volts

Power = 1200 Kw

Intensity = 150 A

Speed = 1489 RPM

Frequency = 50 Hz

Type = 1LA1 504-4HE 60-Z


Manufacturer : Elli Seites

Gear ratio : 2,833


Hardwood pulp (DF03 ; DF04 ; DF05) → VALMET BJ42D85 or AFT Mini-segments MS4215061336-1

Softwood pulp   (DF01 ; DF02)             → AFT Mini – segments MS3815102032-1 (38″)

Beloit Jones DD 3000 42''