Disperser / Dispersing plants

Main image Name Producer Type Size Capacity

Disperger 36" with feeding screw Esher Wyss

Disperger 36" with feeding screw made by Esher Wyss

Esher Wyss Disperger 36"

Disperger 36" Beloit with feeding screw

Disperger 36" with feeding screw made by Beloit

Beloit Disperger 36" 36"

System for dissolving of wet-strength waste paper made by Cellwood machinery

Complete system consisting of:

- Ascending screw thickener 

- Plug screw 

- Disperser 
- Drive motors 
- Control panel
- Framing
- Catwalks

Cellwood Machinery KD 710 LC 70 t/day

Disperging line Voith ZSE with heating screw

3 belt presses, made by Voith, steel framing, in refurbished condition. Inlet cons ca 4 – 5 %, outlet ca 25 % -- Screw conveyors from belt presses to heating screw -- Heating screw, Length ca 10500 mm, diameter ca 1360 mm -- Disperser Voith 20 ZSE / 450 with 1200 kw drive motor
Voith ZSE 20 350 t/24 h

Dispersing Kneader with screw press made by Maule 130 t/day

Dewatering screw press

  • Condition: not dismantled
  • Capacity 130 Tpd
  • Screw press Maule model GRIII - with reducer and 75 kW power motor
  • Inlet consistency:   10%
  • Outlet consistency: 30%
  • Frames

Dispersing Kneater

  • Condition: not dismantled
  • Capacity 130 Tpd
  • Disperger type kneader model GRIII with reducer not power motor included
  • Operating consistency: 28 - 32%
  • Frames
Maule Kneater 130 t/day

Disperger Andritz CDI0 LC

Andritz CDI0 LC

Mechanical disperser with the possibility of pulp heating Maule

           Second hand mechanical disperser with the possibility of pulp heating

Design three-stage system:

1. Screw conveyor - starting concentration 3.5 %, final concentration 8%, design: two parallel screw

conveyors 11 [kW] each,

2. Screw compactor - starting concentration 8 %, final concentration 25 - 30%, motor 55 [kW] with

mechanical gearbox.

3. Screw disperser - motor 110 [kW] with mechanical gearbox.

Equipped with manual valves, stable level box.

Maule Kneater 60 tds / day

Heating screw for dispersion system

Used heating screw

Stock cons. 25 – 30 %
Operating temperaure: 80 – 100 °C
Pressure, max. 100 kPa
Retention time: 20 – 30 s
Steam consumtion: 0,2 – 0,25 t / t Fibre

Metso up to 790 t/day

Disperging machines made by Metso

Second hand disperging machines made by Metso

Mainly consiting of

Heating screw

feeding screw for disperger

Disperger OFD



Metso 400 - 650 t/day